Davis-Besse’s Harvest for Hunger contributes nearly $42,000
June 2, 2021
Written by Mark Kanz, Sr. Communications Rep at Davis-Besse
“I knew it was going to be a big number, but I didn’t realize it was going to be that big of a number,” Mindy Rapp told Site Vice President Terry Brown as she accepted Davis-Besse’s Harvest for Hunger contribution to SeaGate Food Bank of nearly $42,000.
“Our staff really stepped up,” Terry explained as he made the presentation in front of several TV news crews and some of the organization’s volunteers. “We recognize we’re fortunate to be able to help others who need the help.” See channel 24’s story here.
Mindy, whose mother started SeaGate in the family garage, says the donation from the plant will help address food insecurity in the region. “This will go a long way to help a lot of people in our eight Northwest Ohio counties,” she explained. “We’re very, very honored and pleased to be the beneficiary of this money.” SeaGate has reached out to the food pantries in areas near the plant to make sure they are provided for. “We can make this money go a long way because we buy in bulk by the semi load.”
She says demand for SeaGate’s services increased about 50% when the pandemic started and has remained at that level. “A lot of people that never, ever expected to need help have come forward just because they needed help,” she said.
“Proteins are always a big thing,” she said of the high demand areas. “And then also things that you can’t buy with the SNAP (supplemental nutrition assistance program) card which would be toiletries, laundry detergent, hygiene products… that kind of thing.”
SeaGate will be welcoming back volunteers soon as the national guard troops that have been helping out during the pandemic will be reassigned in the near future.