Energy Saving Tips

It’s easy to overlook the impact reliable energy, like electricity and natural gas, has on our everyday lives. We don't think twice when adjusting the thermostat, grabbing a cold drink from the fridge, turning on the porch lights, tossing a slice in the microwave, or plugging in our smartphone for an overnight charge.


That all changes when the utility bill arrives, and we review last month’s energy costs. Unless you are on a fixed-rate plan, changing energy rates combined with the seasonal ebb and flow of energy consumption can lead to some energy bill surprises. It’s then we look to the experts for energy saving tips.

How to Save on Energy Bills – 4 Things to Consider

The average U.S. household spends $115 a month on electricity and $63 on natural gas, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, an office of the U.S. Department of Energy. Your energy bill may be lower or higher – and your balance due changes monthly based on several factors, large and small, including:


  1. Energy usage: The more energy you use to power your home, the higher your energy bills.
  2. Where you live: Varied regulations, fuel availability and local fuel costs combine to make some parts of the U.S. more energy expensive than others.
  3. Seasonality: Changes in the weather – hot summers and cold winters – demand greater energy use to cool and heat homes.
  4. Energy supply rate: Supply and demand, fuel costs and more can affect the price you pay per kilowatt hour. A fixed-rate plan can help you better manage your energy budget.


Energy Harbor is here to help you become an expert in energy efficiency around your home. Follow the guide below for ideas on how to reduce your energy usage.

A 5-Step Guide to Saving Money on Your Energy Bills

Become an energy saver by following this simple guide, and come back regularly for new articles and updates.

Know These Two Numbers to Save

The foundation you need to better understand your monthly electric bill.

Why is My Electric Bill So High?

Electric bills can spike unexpectedly, causing a budgeting headache for those not on a fixed-rate plan.

Why is My Gas Bill So High?

Natural gas bills also can rise and fall without warning. Knowing the reasons why can help you lower your bill.

DIY Home Energy Audit

Investigate where your home might be less energy efficient than it could be.

Why Energy Prices Are Rising

Explore the factors driving rising energy costs and discover strategies to stabilize and potentially reduce your energy bills with fixed-rate plans and clean energy options.

Lowering Your Energy Bill

Practical tips for paying less per kilowatt hour and using less energy to help you save on energy costs.

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7 Energy Tips Your Father was (Mostly) Right About

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How to Program Your Thermostat

Whether it’s a programmable or smart thermostat, learn how to best program your thermostat to ensure it’s doing everything it can to help save you money on your electric and natural gas energy bill.

How to lower your electric bill in summer

When spring gives way to the dog days of summer, homeowners often wonder how they can keep their energy bill from getting out of control.