Shop Energy Companies in New Jersey to Find Your Plan

New Jersey deregulated its electricity market in 1999 through the Electric Discount and Energy Competition Act, giving residents greater control over energy costs and the ability to shop NJ electric companies. Through the ability to compare prices from competing energy companies in New Jersey, you can select the supplier that best fits your needs – and what you value.


Budget-conscious homeowners can avoid seasonal rate changes by weighing various New Jersey gas and electric rates before making the best choice. Environmentally conscious shoppers can decide which electric providers in New Jersey are most committed to providing clean, carbon-free energy.


To help residents best compare electric rates in New Jersey, the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities encourages customers to visit NJ Power Switch. You’ll find helpful information about your right to choose energy suppliers and tools for understanding and comparing plans.

Compare New Jersey electric rates

While every New Jersey electric customer has the power to choose natural gas and electric rates, you may not know where to begin. The best place to start? Your most recent electric bill.


You can find out how much you pay per kilowatt (kWh) hour under the Supply Charges portion of your electric utility bill. You can then use this number to compare rates offered by energy suppliers like Energy Harbor. As you compare, consider that the average residential electricity rate in New Jersey is $0.1614 per kWh*. That’s higher than the U.S. national average, $0.1275 per kWh.

Remember that the supply cost – or price per kilowatt hour – is just part of the overall cost for electricity in your utility bill. Other costs include moving the electricity from the plant where it is generated to your home, and power line, substation and transformer maintenance. Learning which costs you can control is a great way to understand how to lower your average utility bill each month.


The good news? As rates change, consumers also have the opportunity to change their electricity provider, or lock in a competitive fixed rate from suppliers like Energy Harbor. This fuels competition, helping keep rates low for everyone.

*Current Price to Compare rates accurate as of 6/01/2023. Rates may have changed since this date. Source: New Jersey Board of Public Utilities

Switching New Jersey energy plans

Whether your new energy plan is a variable rate or fixed rate, making the switch from your previous supplier couldn’t be simpler. The entire process is handled by your new supplier, who will work closely with your utility company to ensure the move is seamless and secure.


Service is maintained without interruption, and there’s no need for a technician to visit your home or office. Most transfers are completed within a few short weeks.

The technology grid that carries New Jersey electricity is managed by the Pennsylvania, Jersey, Maryland Power Pool, or PJM, a regional transmission organization that coordinates planning, operations and reliability oversight of the state’s electrical infrastructure. PJM is responsible for the grid’s reliability and the safe transmission of electricity to thousands of New Jersey residents.


Your local utility is also responsible for this infrastructure, no matter what organization is supplying your electricity. When power goes out, you should contact your local utility rather than your energy supplier.

Choosing the energy plan that’s best for you

Selecting an energy plan isn’t always about electricity costs and saving money. Sometimes it’s about being true to community values or personal preferences. By clicking through the tabs below, discover some tips on how to choose.

Lower Energy Costs

New customers can start shopping for a better electricity rate in your zip code by setting up an account with your local utility company. This will give you access to your account number and Price to Compare specific to your utility, whether you live in Newark, Jersey City, Trenton or Cherry Hill. This is important because utility services differ from city to city and town to town.

Plan Length

Lock-in competitive rates to save money throughout New Jersey’s seasonal temperature swings. Supplier fixed rate plans may range up to 36 months.

Fixed Rate Plans vs. Variable Rate Plans

With a fixed rate plan, the price you pay for electricity utilization remains the same throughout the plan. Cost per kilowatt hour can fluctuate monthly with a variable rate plan, based on changes in the energy market.

Clean New Jersey Energy

With a supplier like Energy Harbor offering zero-carbon options and sustainable energy plans, contributing to a cleaner energy future is easy and affordable.

The benefits of choosing Energy Harbor

Energy Harbor is an established and trustworthy retail energy supplier of dependable and affordable carbon-free electricity. We provide homes and businesses with long-term fixed price protection against fluctuating energy prices.


Energy Harbor is committed to being a valuable contributor to New Jersey’s clean energy future.